Welcome to Disease Detective!

Welcome to Disease Detective! My name is Constantinos Bacas, and I will be your detective to separate facts from fear. Disease Detective will talk about a variety of diseases, past and present. I will look at some of the popular news media, see how they paint different stories, and find and read the articles that the news headlines are based off of. By removing the fear and reporting the facts, many of the diseases that have faced the world will not seem as scary to those without a firm understanding in the sciences. If you want to learn more about a particular disease, just comment! As long as I can find enough information to write about the disease, I will gladly post and provide you with the facts without the fear!

So, who am I? I am a senior biology major at Drew University in Madison, NJ. I have taken many advanced biology courses, including genetics, microbiology, immunology, infectious disease, and more. I am currently applying to medical school in hopes of attaining my MD. Apart from my coursework, I conduct research on the innate immune system with one of my professors. My research has allowed me to read a host of primary literature and research studies, many of which were used by the news media and spun to tell a slightly different tale. Launching Disease Detective is my way to help everyday people understand the complex world of infectious disease. I hope you enjoy!